Types of Alcoholic Drinks That Have Safe Limits

Types of Alcoholic Drinks That Have Safe Limits – You may be familiar with the notion that drinking alcohol is harmful to health, especially when consumed in excess. However, did you know that this drink consists of various types with different alcohol levels?

Basically, alcoholic drinks are all types of drinks that contain alcohol or ethanol compounds. especially the part that regulates memory and emotional reactions. However, the ethanol content contained in each alcoholic drink is not the same. Therefore, it is important for you to know the alcohol content in these drinks and the safe levels in consuming them so as not to damage your health.

Types of alcoholic drinks

The level of ethanol or alcohol contained in an alcoholic drink depends on the process of making the drink itself. Types of alcoholic drinks produced by fermented plants using yeast, for example, usually contain an alcohol content that is not too high. Some types of fermented alcoholic drinks are wine or wine (red wine, white wine, and champagne) with an average alcohol content of 14%, beer (2 -8%), and sake (16%). There is also a type of mead drink (10-14%) made from fermented honey and hard ciders (5%) made from fermentation.

Well, when the fermented drink is refined again at high temperature. As a result, water also evaporates, making the alcohol content in the drink higher. This drink is what became known as liqueur or spirit. There are many types of alcoholic drinks that are sold in the market, some of which are:

1. Gin

Made from a mixture of citrus fruits and has an alcohol content of 35-55%, gin is usually the main ingredient in martini mixes.

2. Tequilla

Derived from the central distillation of the blue agave plant, tequilla is naturally sweet due to its high sugar content. The average tequilla contains 40% alcohol.

3. Brand

This fermented and distilled wine usually has 40% alcohol. One of the well-known types of brandy is Cognac.

4. Whiske

Made by distilling a dough made from pre-fermented grains at high temperature, the whiskey is then stored as long as possible in oak barrels. The ethanol content in this alcoholic drink usually reaches 40-50%.

5. Vodka

This alcoholic drink is also made by distilling fermented dough, but the main ingredient is potatoes, sometimes also mixed with fruit and milk. The average vodka contains 40% alcohol.

6. Rum

It is made by distillation of pure sugarcane, sugarcane juice, or molasses and is usually stored in wooden barrels and has an alcohol content of about 40-75.5%.

7. Absinthe

It is distilled by fermented herbs and leaves, and usually contains 90% alcohol.

Also Read: Some of The Most Expensive Alcoholic Drinks

How much alcohol is safe to drink?

Ideally, you shouldn’t drink alcohol for health reasons. However, if you still want to consume this alcoholic drink, you should not overdo it and know the safe levels according to the type, for example:

  • Beer containing 5% alcohol, maximum 355 ml
  • Wine containing 12% alcohol, about 148 ml
  • Liquor aka liquor (gin, rum, whiskey, tequila, or vodka), a maximum of 45 ml

Broadly speaking, the safe amount of alcohol consumption will vary widely, depending on individual conditions. Some things that affect it include age, genetic factors, and personal health problems. Women are encouraged to consume alcohol drinks with amounts less than the recommendations above, compared to men.

However, women who are pregnant and breastfeeding should not drink alcohol at all because they are feared to harm themselves and the fetus in the womb.

Bad effects of drinking alcohol for health

Excessive alcohol consumption is at risk of developing depression
The bad effects of drinking alcohol for pregnant women range from causing miscarriage to babies born with congenital defects. Meanwhile, for people in general, excessive alcohol consumption can have an impact on physical and mental health, for example:

  • Depression
  • Dementia
  • Alcoholic hepatitis
  • Anemia
  • Heart disease, such as arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats) and cardiomyopathy(heart muscle problems)
  • Fatty liver to cirrhosis
  • Uric acid
  • Nerve damage
  • Stroke
  • Several types of cancer, such as breast, colon, liver, esophageal, mouth, and pancreatic cancer

This Alcoholic Drink Wants to go Global

This Alcoholic Drink Wants to go Global – Apart from being known for its culinary delights and variety of spices, Indonesia also has several local alcoholic fermented drinks that have been around for a long time. Original Indonesian fermented drinks are usually made from sap water from palm trees.

Starting from NTT sopi, Balinese wine, Cap Tikus Minahasa, and many more. The existence of fermented drinks is usually enjoyed by the community during traditional events in an area.

However, now local fermented drinks have undergone many developments, variants and the existence of permits, standards and supervision from the government that makes these local drinks more active.

One of the local fermented drinks that has received permission to circulate is Cap Tikus 1978 from Minahasa. As the only mouse stamp that has a license to circulate, Head of Marketing for Cap Tikus 1978 Mario Baraputra said that the product began officially launching in December 2018.

Even though it had not been a year since Cap Tikus 1978, it now has a market all over Indonesia. Papua is the market most supplied with this 45% alcoholic beverage.

“The most supplies to Papua are a lot. So every month you can send 2 to 3 containers there,” said Mario who was met by Kontan.co.id.

Cap Tikus 1978 began to penetrate markets outside North Sulawesi in February. The retail price of Cap Tikus 1978 was Rp. 80 thousand, measuring 320 ml. With the development of the times and since the permit was issued, Cap Tikus 1978 gave a different touch with a unique packaging innovation.

The bottle design is made attractive so that it is not inferior to fermented beverage products from abroad that have been flooding Indonesia for a long time. Not only design, innovation is also carried out in flavor variants. Mario explained that the plan is that next month Cap Tikus 1978 will release a new flavor, namely the coffee rat stamp.

“In addition to the taste of coffee, there is also a bartender sachet. So this is a model like a sachet every time you buy one free bottle of one sachet with a different taste. There is a formula of 8, there are spices with ginger ginger and others, the sensation is hot, like herbal medicine. There will be 5 variants of the sachet later. , “continued Mario.

In one day Cap Tikus 1978 was able to produce 5000 bottles, supplies to the province as many as six containers or around 12 thousand cartons. One carton contains 12 bottles of mouse caps.

Mario explained that the raw materials for Cap Tikus 1978 were obtained from the sap farmers who paid their money to the factory. “We are 100% farmers, empowered farmers, our factory is only distillation, our mission to make this product is to help farmers. So this can be said to be one of the livelihoods of the Minahasa people,” said Mario.

The current trend of local fermented drinks, called Mario, began to creep up, especially after the support from the government for this original Indonesian fermented drink.

“This is increasing, yes, because we are supported by the customs government. The current government is quite strict on illegal drinks, so we hope that with the regulation that prohibits illegal drinks, legal local products can develop, can compete in the Indonesian market,” said Mario.

Not only penetrating all of Indonesia, Cap Tikus 1978 has also received offers abroad, namely the Chinese bamboo curtain country. However, currently Cap Tikus 1978 is still in the stage of preparing a permit for export to China.

Even though the trend of authentic Indonesian fermented drinks has begun to crawl, there are also challenges that are felt. Mario said that education about what a rat stamp is for people in Western Indonesia is now a homework that is felt.

“For those of us who live in the western region of Indonesia, we don’t really know the rat stamp. So we have to give product knowledge. People will definitely ask what the rat stamp is. How come the name of this mouse is what people would ask like that. There is a long time ago. In terms of the popularity of the local rat stamp, it’s a spirit that many people know, “explained Mario.

Another local fermented drink is Balinese arak. One of the villages in Bali, namely Les Buleleng Village, has many local fermented beverage home industries made from sap. The potential for local fermented drinks is read by the Kitchen Bali Mula brand.

One of the employees of the Bali Kitchen, Mula Nyoman Nadiana, said that fermented drinks themselves have been around for a long time and have been a tradition passed down from generation to generation. Unlike Cap Tikus 1978 which had already obtained a permit, arak from Les Village is now struggling to get permission to circulate.

“We collect drinks. We put the jars in class and we will open them later. Everyone is just waiting for permission. We are still very traditional so the taste is different from the others because we still use bamboo, that’s why our wine is yellow,” said Nyoman.

Just like Cap Tikus 1978, innovation is also carried out in order to continue to exist. Another taste of Bali Desa Les arak besides the original is jackfruit wine. Regarding the taste of jackfruit, it is explained that it is an innovation that arises from the abundance of jackfruit at harvest in Les Village.

“30 to 40% alcohol content, some 53% only the alcohol content is the influence of the weather because we still experience that we haven’t used machines. In summer it can be high in alcohol content. We are struggling to get permission,” said Nyoman.

The Les Village arak market itself is new in the Bali region because the proposed permit has not been issued. In addition to fermented drinks, there is also a Juruher which is called Nyoman as no less than the maple syrup abroad.

“Even if we don’t lose, sweet palm wine is not inferior to mapple syrup, palm wine turns into sugar. There are two types of lontar for girls and boys that produce boys. After that, tuak is cooked with wood into the sauce, why does it turn into sweet tuak or that way, boil it until it becomes half caramel. Maple syrup Bali, “said Nyoman while showing Juruh.

The production of fermented drinks in Les Village itself, especially in the Bali Mula Kitchen, is that for every 100 bottles of sap that the village farmers deposit, 60% will be made of fermented drinks and 40% will be made as whole. The price itself is very affordable, namely one 600 ml bottle costs IDR 125 thousand.

“If you look at it, the profit is small but proud because this is a local drink and preserves local culture. If we count our business, we can say that we have lost because of using bamboo, there must be bamboo that drains the liquid. But we are proud because it preserves tradition and also empowers the community,” Nyoman said.

Also Read: Rules of Wisdom and Safety When Drinking Alcohol

Just like Mario, Nyoman also agrees that the trend of fermented drinks is growing. Fresh air from the government which increasingly makes fermented drinks is also seen as a tourism product.

“Actually, people’s mindset is that it is not safe to drink, but what is wrong is how to drink, if it is not true it is not safe, even though we make everything naturally,” said Nyoman.

Currently, the challenge that Nyoman says is the availability of raw materials. The production of fermented drinks is carried out during the first semester or summer. This is because many home industries are still very natural in manufacturing which makes the rainy season an obstacle.

In the future Mario and Nyoman hope that the potential for local fermented drinks will increasingly exist, the higher the government’s attention will make the negative stigma disappear.

It is emphasized that fermented drinks are a culture or tradition that has existed since our ancestors. Even Cap Tikus 1978 can now be found in airport stores in Minahasa as souvenirs.…