12 Dangers of Alcohol For Women If Consumed Routinely

12 Dangers of Alcohol For Women If Consumed Routinely – Studies on the dangers of alcohol to health have often been presented, but the dangers of alcohol for women also exist. if consumed regularly, there are at least 9 bad effects for women. Alcohol is a substance that is often contained in various types of liquor (alcohol) often studies on it state that alcohol is dangerous. The dangers of alcohol if consumed by men or men have often been discussed. However, alcohol or liquor containing alcohol is also dangerous if consumed continuously by women or women. Worse, some women also like to consume alcoholic beverages. It’s good to know or recognize the dangers of alcohol for women if consumed regularly

1. The dangers of alcohol make women get drunk faster
“Alcohol is absorbed into the blood and then carried by water into the cells. Now because there is less water in women’s bodies, the concentration of alcohol in the blood is higher even though they drink the same amount as men,” said Dr.Marsha Morgan from University College London. Medical School,

2. The dangers of alcohol damage a woman’s liver faster
Although women’s livers are not sensitive to alcohol, the high concentration of alcohol in a woman’s body will damage a woman’s liver more quickly than men. “If women and men of the same weight are given the same amount of alcohol, the women’s blood alcohol levels are three times higher,” he said.

3. Alcohol makes women or girls age quickly

A study conducted at the University of Berlin, Germany, suggested a link between premature aging and the level of alcohol in the body’s system, alcohol lowers antioxidants in the skin. Director of research on duty at Mount Sinai Hospital, New York City, Joshua Zeichner, said that women who frequently drink alcohol look older than their actual age.

4. The dangers of alcohol can trigger breast cancer
“The risk increased by 11 percent for every 10 grams of alcohol intake, which is equivalent to six servings of alcoholic beverages per week. This risk was compared with those who did not drink alcohol,” said study author Dr Ying Liu, an expert in public health science at Washington University School of Medicine.

5. The dangers of alcohol reduce the baby’s IQ
“Moderate alcohol consumption during pregnancy can affect a child’s IQ by the time they are 8 years old,” said co-lead researcher Ron Gray, an epidemiologist at the University of Oxford.

6. Trigger the risk of cleft lip

Consuming alcoholic beverages in the early trimester or the first three months of pregnancy has a greater risk of giving birth to a baby with a cleft lip or cleft palate, according to research published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.

7. Alcohol shortens life
A recent study again confirms this. Research conducted by researchers from the University of Cambridge confirms that drinking alcohol can shorten your life.

8. Speed ​​up senile brain
A finding published in The Lancet Public Health took the researchers by surprise. Mentioned, based on research on one million alcoholics, revealed the fact that these drinks contribute the most to the problem of dementia.

Also Read : Types of Alcoholic Drinks That Have Safe Limits

9. Risk of depression, brain and heart
Women also have lower amounts of enzymes that help process alcohol than men. In women, alcohol can cause various problems such as eating disorders, depression, drug abuse and anxiety, brain and heart problems.

10. Risk to the fetus
“Regardless of the alcohol content in the drink, it is declared unsafe for consumption by pregnant women. The only guarantee that alcohol will have no effect on the fetus is to avoid alcohol exposure during pregnancy,” said Dr Janet Williams, professor of pediatrics at the University of Texas Health Science Center and author of the report from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

11. Aggravating menstrual symptoms
Scientists managed to find triggers for PMS symptoms to get worse. In findings published in the journal BMJ Open, Monday (23/4/2018), alcohol is said to be one of the triggers for PMS to get worse. Scientists from Spain, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust and the University of Southampton have analyzed 19 studies related to alcohol and STDs.

12. Women Difficult Orgas.me
In 2004, a study found that 11 percent of alcoholics were more likely to have problems achieving orgasm. Men have difficulty ejaculating while women need more stimulation to reach orgasm than women who are only social drinkers or don’t drink alcohol at all.…